Recipes and musings from my vegan kitchen. Mostly food-related, with the odd mention of travel, fashion and films.

"You can't just eat good food. You've got to talk about it, too." -Kurt Vonnegut


Presque Printémps

You may not believe it, but it's somehow April. It was 27 degrees when I got out of bed this morning, and yet they tell me we're nearly two weeks into spring.

It's pretty dismal, I'm not gonna lie. While the sun makes a lovely change, it's still downright frigid outside, and I'm too tired to even have cabin fever anymore. 

When my winter (excuse me, SPRING) blues have me this low, I have two coping mechanisms, and they're both essentially rooted in denial. This week I have relied on both of them:

Method One: Test Out All Your Camping Gear Indoors Like a Madwoman
...Done and done. It took a fair amount of self control not to hide in one and wait 'til May.

Method Two: Go About Outdoor Activities As If It's Not F**king Freezing

Also done. And while a GREAT deal chillier than method one, it was a lot more effective. I walked part of The Long Path starting south from the Paint Mine at Thacher, and it was icy, and in places there were still several feet of snow, but, dammit, I was outdoors and away from everything, and nothing beats that.

In a few places there was even mud, and that was a blessed sight. So maybe, JUST MAYBE, things are beginning to thaw.

I hope your day is full of something as satisfying as hot chili on a cold and snowy trail!

Happy Wednesday : )

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