Recipes and musings from my vegan kitchen. Mostly food-related, with the odd mention of travel, fashion and films.

"You can't just eat good food. You've got to talk about it, too." -Kurt Vonnegut


(Mis)adventure No. 1!

Well. Last time I posted I was all full of excitement to show off pictures of my new trailer.

By Monday I realized something is very, very wrong in those pictures.

You see those rods, circled in blue? Definitely supposed to be where the arrows are pointing.

I was preeeetty heartbroken about it. I've already attached to my trailer like a mother hen, and the thought of her being faulty is awful.

I gave a call to BWise, one of the companies Tumbleweed works with to actually manufacture the trailers, and though they're incredibly friendly every time I've called, I never actually got a true "sorry" for the fact that they messed up, and the replacement rods they agreed to mail out to me ASAP took two and a half weeks to arrive.

But at long last I have all my bits and pieces, and once I attach those bad boys, I can officially start in on turning this baby into a house!


Today is the Day!

Trailer day is here!

I don't have accurate words to express my excitement at finally seeing the very core of my home in person. As well as a hefty amount of excitement and trepidation at the next bit, where I have to teach myself how to build a house. I'd say we're working with an 80/20 split, and I can work with that.

Earlier this week, I went out to double check that the lot I'll be building on is still in good shape, no downed branches and such.

It's still pretty damn beautiful.

After several frustrating skirmishes with National Grid that got absolutely nowhere, walking the property turned out to be the perfect antidote to those stresses. It's heaven out there.

Then this afternoon, I got a lovely sneak peek from my friend who kindly agreed to pick her up for me:

And around eight it was finally here!

It's the easiest step, and therefore one of the littlest, but having the trailer here in person is both exhilarating and soothing. Like a mountain view. It's a lot of work, but it's reassuring knowing you'll get to it one step at a time.