Recipes and musings from my vegan kitchen. Mostly food-related, with the odd mention of travel, fashion and films.

"You can't just eat good food. You've got to talk about it, too." -Kurt Vonnegut


wishlist wednesday

This week's Wishlist Wednesday is all about books I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see made into movies. But seriously well done ones. Hence the wishful bit. 

Oryx and Crake Trilogy- Margaret Atwood's trilogy just finished this fall, and I can't get over how well done they are, nor can I believe how ultimately pleasant and inviting her post-apocalyptic world wound up seeming. Labeled as sci-fi for being about the future, the books are in the vein of Bradbury or Vonnegut, in terms of using fantastical concepts to write about human nature.

The Phantom Tollbooth- To be honest, I haven't seen the film they did in the seventies, so it could be this is a wasted wish. But I think about special effects today and the wonderful things they could do to this masterpiece.

The Riddles of Epsilon- A somewhat obscure YA novel, this was my absolute favorite book when I was 13. The story is really engaging and at times incredibly creepy, yet ultimately it's not a book about supernatural lore, it's about mother-child relationships. Another one that would make a seriously fun movie. 

Tales of the Jazz Age- This collection of short stories is at times deeply sad and at times darkly humorous, and would make the coolest compilation of vignettes, a la Coffee and Cigarettes.  

Happy wishful thinking!

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